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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Biggin Hill Primary


Our curriculum is enquiry based, fully inclusive and meets the needs of all learners, starting from building strong foundations in our EYFS, supporting and challenging them on their journey to being secondary ready, and ultimately ensuring that they are equipped with the cultural capital, skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the future.

Our curriculum at Biggin Hill Primary School has been designed to give a distinct individual identity and ethos which reflects our shared values and vision. Our school context is a key driver when planning and implementing our progressive curriculum. We aim to equip our pupils with independence and the skills necessary to succeed in life.

What does Learning and Teaching look like at Biggin Hill Primary School?

Look at some of the amazing experiences that our pupils will receive and take part in during their time at school. Pupils will use this to record and remember all of the enjoyable moments during their journey at Biggin Hill.

To enable all pupils to achieve, the curriculum is designed in accordance with three underlying principles;

  • Depth – To enable pupils to achieve depth in their learning by providing them with opportunities to master, revisit and build on key skills throughout their primary years
  • Breadth – Provide breadth through offering experiences that are current, tangible and meaningful to our pupils in order to enrich their learning
  • Balance – The shaping of our curriculum provides balance and encourages pupils to achieve academically, physically and emotionally

Our curriculum also allows pupils to work collaboratively, build resilience and ultimately become good citizens. Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) and British values weave throughout our curriculum.

If you would like more information regarding the overall school curriculum and the statutory National Curriculum, please contact our curriculum leaders Mrs Emerson or Mr O'Malley via the school office.


Our curriculum intent is to ensure that pupils will:

  • Become independent learners
  • Feel valued and respected
  • Be inspired to hold high aspirations for the future
  • Have an understanding of how to make healthy choices.


Our curriculum is implemented by teachers having expert skills and knowledge and supporting pupils with revisiting and building key concepts into their long term memory with transferable skills. It is current and relevant to the needs of the pupils and encourages partnerships with all stakeholders. Subject leaders are well-equipped to lead individual subjects and have a clear vision of what they want their subject to highlight.


The impact of our curriculum is measured through regular work scrutinies, subject specific learning walks, teacher and pupil discussions and data analysis. The Impact of our curriculum is seen not just through academic outcomes, but in our well-rounded citizens our pupils become who are ready to face their next steps in education and beyond. The school leadership team and governors drive the curriculum forward and monitor it relentlessly.

Collaborative Working

Becoming a multi academy trust has enabled us to work collaboratively and share best practice with other schools in the trust. We are constantly reviewing our working practices, developing research projects and consulting local and national guidelines in order to ensure that our curriculum is fit for purpose and provides our pupils with quality first education.

Our Inclusive Curriculum

At Biggin Hill Primary School we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum that is understanding of children’s different needs and starting points, to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils. We strive to ensure that the curriculum is structured and sequenced in a way that will not only build on knowledge but will provide children identified as having SEND with the confidence to apply this in everyday life. This, combined with meaningful and accurate assessment allows us to prepare all pupils for futures that carry a high level of ambition. For more information please click here.

Teaching and Learning Policy