Our enterprise curriculum is enquiry based, fully inclusive and meets the needs of all learners, starting from building strong foundations in our EYFS, supporting and challenging them on their journey to being secondary ready, and ultimately ensuring that they are equipped with the cultural capital, skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the future.
Meet our Enterprise Coordinator
Enterprise Intent
Our vision for enterprise is ‘to support our pupils as they grow to be financially literate.’ Our aim is that our children have the confidence, skills and knowledge to manage money well now and ultimately in the future.
In line with the Financial Education Planning Framework, Biggin Hill Primary School aim to combine mathematics and PSHE in order to set out the key financial knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable our children to achieve this vision.
Entrepreneurship education is an essential element of the curriculum. It helps young people to develop their commercial capability and to prepare for their futures within the complex business, economic and financial environment in which they live.
We believe that a broad and balanced enterprise education is the entitlement of all pupils, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability. It is our vision that all pupils during their journey will display the essential characteristics of an entrepreneur:
- The ability to manage money and understand its value
- Become a critical consumer using problem solving skills
- Manage risks and emotions associated with money to understand how decisions impact others
- Understand the important role that money plays in our lives and how money is earned.
Enterprise Implementation
From the beginnings of enterprise teaching in our EYFS we endeavour to instill an understanding of money in our pupils. This is through coin recognition, choices about spending and saving and feelings about money including keeping money safe. Year groups complete financial literacy lessons each term following the Natwest Money Sense Programme.
The teaching of enterprise at Biggin Hill Primary Academy is carefully designed, planned and implemented to ensure that all pupils are challenged to fulfil their potential.
Enterprise lessons are further enhanced by our annual Christmas Fair when the whole school is dedicated to researching, designing and making a product to sell to families and the local community. In addition to this we aim to offer exciting experiences such as: Global Entrepreneurship Primary Day, £5 Blossom and Roots to Roof project. All of these include working with local businesses and provides an insight into different businesses and job opportunities.
Throughout the enterprise curriculum the school aims to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to develop their Big 13 Skills. These include:
- Teamwork
- Taking Risks
- Negotiating and Influencing
- Effective Communication
- Creativity and Innovation
- Positive Attitude
- Initiative
- Organising and Planning
- Problem Solving
- Leadership
- Making Ethical Decisions
- Financial Literacy
- Product and Service Design.
Enterprise Impact
The impact of the enterprise curriculum is measured through subject specific learning walks and teacher and pupil discussions. The school leadership team, subject leaders and governors relentlessly drive the enterprise curriculum forward and monitor it vigorously.