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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Biggin Hill Primary


Our music curriculum is enquiry based, fully inclusive and meets the needs of all learners, starting from building strong foundations in our EYFS, supporting and challenging them on their journey to being secondary ready, and ultimately ensuring that they are equipped with the cultural capital, skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the future.

Meet our Music Coordinator


Biggin Hill partners up with Rocksteady Music School to provide children with high quality, meaningful music provision. All children from Years 1 through to 6 are now given the opportunity to learn an instrument of their choice from a selection, including drums, guitar, bass, keyboards or singing. The children are placed into groups of 9 where they will have to ‘form’ a band, choosing a song, a band name and then learn their chosen song in preparation for a performance to parents.

Each group is led by a highly skilled and nurturing school champion from Rocksteady. All year groups have had the opportunity to work with Rocksteady and it has been a fantastic success. Children and parents are able to immediately see the benefits it provides to children’s attitude, perseverance and resilience.

Music Intent

Our vision for music is ‘to provide every child with a solid foundation in musical skills.’ We seek to build every child’s love of music through high quality musical experiences, both within and outside of school.

Through playing, singing, creating and performing, children will develop confidence, communication, thinking and creative skills, as well as improve their emotional well-being.

Music helps foster connections, which improve memory and coordination; the skills involved in playing and listening to music will also help learners develop the self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, creativity, and self-motivation necessary for success, providing life-long experiences that will stay with the children throughout their school career.

Children will find that music is enjoyable and relaxing, helping to reduce stress, allowing all children to be able to experience a sense of achievement and pride.

We believe that a broad and balanced music education is the entitlement of all pupils, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability. It is our vision that all pupils during their journey will display the essential characteristics of musicians:

  • A rapidly widening repertoire which they use to create original, imaginative, fluent and distinctive composing and performance work
  • A musical understanding underpinned by high levels of aural perception, internalisation and knowledge of music, including high or rapidly developing levels of technical expertise
  • Very good awareness and appreciation of different musical traditions and genres
  • An excellent understanding of how musical provenance- the historical, social and cultural origins of music- contributes to the diversity of musical styles
  • The ability to give precise written and verbal explanations, using musical terminology effectively, accurately and appropriately
  • A passion for and commitment to a diverse range of musical activities.

Music Implementation

From the beginnings of music teaching in our EYFS, we endeavor to instill a sense of creativity in our pupils, allowing their understanding to develop through organised play in a musical area. They are encouraged to sing songs, make music and experiment with ways of changing them.

The teaching of music at Biggin Hill Primary Academy is carefully designed, planned and implemented to ensure that all pupils are challenged to fulfil their potential. Music lessons are rich in resources, vocabulary, questioning and content enabling them to develop mastery of the aims of the National Curriculum.

A range of music and styles will be celebrated within the school, utilising International links and weekly school assemblies. With Rocksteady and the Hull Music service, every child will have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument and all Year 5 children will be considered for further peripatetic lessons in a variety of instruments in Year 6. It is our vision that every child adopts an understanding and love of music which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Wherever possible subjects are incorporated through a thematic approach which ensures children are thoroughly engaged and enriched. However, there are occasions when subjects are taught discretely in order to give depth and breadth to the curriculum area.

Music Impact

The music curriculum is assessed against the following essential learning objectives:

  • Listening and appraising
  • Performing
  • Composition
  • Interrelated dimensions of music

The impact of the music curriculum is measured through regular book scrutinies, subject specific learning walks, teacher and pupil discussions and data analysis. The school leadership team, subject leaders and governors relentlessly drive the music and design curriculum forward and monitor it vigorously.

Music Long Term Plan

Further information for music

Music Curriculum Journey 

Music Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Music Vocabulary Progression