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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Biggin Hill Primary

SAT Results

What are SATs?

SATs are statutory assessments carried out by all state schools. They assess how your child’s abilities compare nationally with other children in the same year group.

Key Stage 2 SATs

SATs testing takes place in Key Stage 2 (KS2), when your child will take part in National Curriculum tests in reading, mathematics and spelling, grammar and punctuation. These tests take place in May each year towards the end of Year 6 (usually age 11). Writing is judged through teacher assessment, this is quality assured through moderation with other schools and the Local Authority.

At the end of Key Stage 2, the government measures the progress the children have made during their time at school by comparing the pupils' end of Key Stage 1 SATs scores to their end of Key Stage 2 SATs scores.

The national measure for progress is '0'. Anything below this is below national standards and above '0' is above national standards.

KS2 SATs Information 

KS2 Results

Reading, Writing (TA) and Maths Combined 2024

Percentage of children reaching the expected standard

Percentage of children reaching the higher standard

Reading KS2 2024

Percentage of children reaching the expected standard

Percentage of children reaching the higher standard

Our average scaled score for reading was 105.

Writing KS2 2024

Percentage of children reaching the expected standard

Percentage of children reaching the higher standard


Our average scaled score for writing was 105.2.

Maths KS2 2024

Percentage of children reaching the expected standard

Percentage of children reaching the higher standard

Our average scaled score for maths was 106.

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation KS2 2024

Percentage of children reaching the expected standard


Our average scaled score for spelling, grammar and punctuation was 108.


*The 2024 SAT's data is currently provisional*