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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Biggin Hill Primary

School Council

Here at Biggin Hill Primary School we really value the ‘Voice’ of our pupils.

As well as our annual pupil survey we have an active School Council made up of elected representatives from around the school.

The council meet regularly to share ideas and discuss issues relevant to the whole school community. They are also able to flag up concerns, issues or feedback opinions from their classes.

As well as the everyday matters in school the council has worked hard on a few big areas over the past few years, including:

Taking part in a city wide enterprise scheme, ‘Make £5 Blossom’. This saw the council raising money for the school by organising discos and talent shows.

Taking part in the Hull Youth Parliament. The council joined with children from other schools to take part in debates and decision making in the Guildhall.

Active involvement in the Bransholme and District Learning Partnership School Council. Our two year 6 representatives make up part of the Bransholme wide Council – they have been working on various events including organising a Summer Fair, art competition and a Bransholme in Bloom competition.

Here are a few things we are working on at the moment:

  • We are involved in the healthy eating campaign and are working on some ideas.
  • We have researched pupils rates of attendance in schools, and understand how important it is to attend school as much as possible, to reach everyone's full potential. We devised a variety of strategies to improve attendance, which we are happy to say that the SOL Attendance tracker has also been implemented at Biggin Hill.
  • We liaised with the kitchen staff, to provide ideas to improve the meals provided, especially those marvellous meals which our super kitchen staff prepare on special occasions.
  • Our next project is to improve the quality of our packed lunches, ensuring all pupils eat a healthy, nutritious meal in the middle of the day, making everyone fighting fit for their lessons in the afternoon.

School Council Information Leaflet

Our school council have devised the following poster to promote the importance of a healthy packed lunch.

We are always willing, ready and able to listen to all members of the school community, to make Biggin even better!

Please meet our school council members