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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Biggin Hill Primary

Remote Education

At Biggin Hill Primary Academy, we understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote working – whether for an individual pupil or many.

We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed.

At Biggin we will:

  • Ensure that pupils taking part in remote learning receive a well-planned and sequenced curriculum, which builds on prior knowledge and previous learning, in-line with those pupils in the classroom;

  • Provide learning opportunities that reflect the recommended curriculum time for their year group;

  • Ensure that learning reflects the classroom timetable and provides access to all areas of the curriculum;

  • Provide resources that are carefully selected to cover year group objectives and offer adapted resources, taking into account the needs of individuals including those with SEND;

  • Give access to a blended approach to learning and provide a selection of live and pre-recorded resources alongside trusted sites to enhance their learning experience;

  • Promote the love of reading e.g. daily phonics, comprehension tasks and story time.

For additional ideas, activities and support at home we have a full 'pupil zone' section of the website. Click on a subject area below to take you to the page. 

Computing English Maths Oxford Owl Reading Design and Technology Enterprise Geography  History Music PE Phonics and Early Reading Primary Languages PSHE RE Science STEM 

We also use various online platforms within school to support with your child's learning. If they use them within their class they will have been sent home with login details for each one. Please click on the relevant online platform below to be directed to the login page.

Reading Plus Spelling Shed My Maths Timestables Rockstars 

What does remote learning look like at Biggin?



How to stay safe online:

At Biggin Hill Primary Academy we take online safety very seriously and actively promote keeping children safe online.

As always if you have any concerns regarding your child's online safety you can contact the school to discuss. Please click below to be directed to our online safety page for further information.

Remote learning policies and plans

Remote Learning Policy