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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Biggin Hill Primary


Behaviour at Biggin

As stated in the OFSTED managing behaviour article A whole-school behaviour approach is much more than a set of policies or documents. It is about what everyone in the school does, how they behave, and what expectations are set and taught. We aim to promote positive behaviour using a consistent whole school approach. We aim to create an atmosphere where all individuals are valued, respected, feel safe and where teaching and learning can be given priority. For an in-depth understanding of our approach to Behaviour, please see the Behaviour policy. We have 3 main school rules at Biggin Hill. They are: 

Behaviour contract 

The school’s behaviour contract is an agreement between home and school which is discussed and signed each year by the class teacher, the child, and their parents/carers. The contract sets out behaviour expectations and their rewards/consequences. It classifies behaviours into four sections- purple behaviour, green behaviour, amber behaviour and red behaviour; this language is used with the children by all members of staff when discussing a child's behaviourThe contract underpins the rewards and consequences available during the school day. Children are encouraged to use this contract to reflect on their behaviour and work alongside an adult to give themselves rewards and consequences. At times, children have an individual behaviour plans which supersede the contract as a more personalised approach is necessary. 


Traffic lights 

Within the classroom the ‘traffic light’ system is a visual representation of the behaviour contract. All children begins each day on ‘green’. If children show poor behaviour they will be given a verbal warning and if behaviour does not improve they will enter the ‘amber zone’. Another warning will be given and if behaviour still does not improve they will move to the ‘red zone’. If improved behaviour is shown children will move back up to the ‘amber or green zone’ as soon as possible. There is also a ‘perfect purple’ zone, in which children will enter if they have done something exceptional and a certificate will be given.  


Rewards are used frequently both inside and outside the classroom throughout the day. Below are some of the praise we use at Biggin Hill. 

  • Verbal praise 

  • Thumbs up, a smile or other non-verbal praise 

  • Dojo points

  • Stickers or stamps

  • Special responsibilities/jobs

  • Head teachers award

  • Notes and certificates to take home  

  • Text messages home


DFE guidance defines bullying as actions that are meant to be hurtful and which happen on a regular and persistent basis. It can take the form of physical contact, physical/verbal threats, physical/verbal intimidation, demeaning comments, spreading of malicious rumours/ gossip, purposely excluding someone or persistent criticism. At Biggin Hill we take bullying extremely seriously and will do everything in our power to ensure our children are safe, happy and free from harm.

Bullying can happen to anyone and there are many different forms of bullying. These are listed below:

  • Physical (a physical act that hurts someone e.g. hitting, kicking, pushing)
  • Verbal (when words or phrases are used to intentionally hurt or upset someone)
  • Social/relational (actions intended to harm a victim's reputation or relationships)
  • Cyber/online (bullying that happens on any electronic device)
  • Sexual (online or in-person bullying that involves sexual comments or actions)
  • Prejudicial (target's a person’s race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation and is often a result of the belief that some people deserve to be treated with less respect than others.) 

It is important to understand that bullying is not an odd occasion falling out with friends, name calling, arguments or when the occasional ‘joke’ is played on someone. Children do sometimes fall out or say things because they are upset. When occasional problems like this arise it is not necessarily classed as bullying unless it is done repeated several times on purpose (STOP).

Is my child being bullied?

Sometimes children do not want to share that they are being bullied due to a range of different reasons. It is important to watch for a pattern or change in your child’s behaviour. This could be a sign that bullying is taking place:

  • Wanting more/less attention
  • Not wanting to go to school
  • Frequent minor illnesses
  • Becoming withdrawn/unusually tearful or aggressive
  • Coming home with bruises or torn clothing
  • Possessions disappearing
  • Becoming overly confident or acting in an extreme manner

What do I do if I feel my child is being bullied at school?

  • Ask your child for as much detail as possible
  • Listen carefully to your child and re-assure them that you want to help
  • Contact the school and speak to their class teacher
  • Do not approach the child or parents yourself
  • Encourage your child to report any further incidents to an adult in school
  • Do not advise your child to fight back