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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

Enter Trust

Biggin Hill Primary

Emotional Wellbeing

Meet our Emotional Wellbeing Team



Emotional Wellbeing Team (ID 1132)

Meet our Wellbeing Champions!

Our wellbeing champions have been successfully recruited and our established team continue to build on the young evaluator's role across the school. We meet regularly to discuss how we can promote positive mental health and wellbeing, considering how we can be 'happy and healthy.' We also attended pupil training through the NHS as part of a pilot scheme and link with Barnados to help to support us in our roles. 

 Molly-Roo, Harry, Anabelle, Kiara, Koen & Onyinye

Humber Young Peoples Urgent Mental Health 24/7 Helpline– 01482 301701 option 2

This helpline offers mental health support and advice for young people up to the age of 18 years in urgent need of help.  It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The service is also available for family members, carers and professionals who are concerned about a young person.

You will speak to Call Handlers who are experienced in talking to young people and adults in distress and provide guidance to help you manage the situation and your feelings.  They  have information on all the health, social and voluntary services available to support you. They will refer to these services or make an appointment if this is needed. They may also decide you need a crisis response from our CAMHS Crisis Team.  If this is the case the CAMHS Crisis Team will contact you to agree what support you need which could include a visit to your home from one of our CAMHS Crisis Clinicians.

Well-Being Newsletters

well being newsletter autumn 2024.pdf

Useful Links and Information for Parents and Carers

How are you feeling? - Parents and carers

Mental Health.Org

Let's Talk

Young Minds - Supporting Parents

NHS - Mental Health Helplines

NHS - Healthy Sleep Tips for Children

NHS - Change 4 life

Childline Telephone Number - 0800 1111

Happy Maps

Super mood movers - Wellbeing

Hull and East Yorkshire Mind Contact Information

Solace Schools Leaflet - surviving exile and persecution

Hull Health Visitor Information

Hull Children's Centres

Hull Women's Aid

Beautiful Mind Therapy

Child Dynamix - Bump to baby and beyond

Child Dynamix - Parent Peer Mentoring

Family Fund

HCUK Training - Skills Support for the Unemployed

HENRY - Free Parenting Courses

Home Start

Preston Road Women's Centre

Please click here to be directed to the Hull Local Offer page to find out information about the support surrounding health and wellbeing we have available in Hull.