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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Biggin Hill Primary


Training to be a teacher with Horizon

Spring Cottage Primary School was designated as a Teaching School in April 2014. Tidal Teaching School Alliance existed until 2021, when teaching schools were restructured into a locality hub model. However, due to the success of our ITT programme, Horizon Academy Trust continues to offer school direct training to help develop the next generation of teachers. 

Horizon provides Initial Teacher Training through a School direct route in partnership with Yorkshire Wolds Teacher Training (YWTT). YWTT is the only outstanding SCITT in our region.

The School Direct route with Horizon

School Direct is an exciting, hands-on, school-led training programme which gives you the chance to learn ‘on the job’ in two schools within the Horizon Academy Trust. Working as part of the teaching team from day one, learning from outstanding, experienced and practising colleagues to enable you to immediately put your new skills into practice.  If you are successful, the programme will lead to qualified teacher status (QTS) through Sheffield Hallam University.

For 2022/23 Horizon School Direct will be offering two primary focused School Direct routes to gaining a postgraduate teaching qualification:


  • School Direct Training Programme (Primary general 4 – 11 years)
  • School Direct Training Programme (EYFS - KS1)


Are you eligible?

To be eligible for Horizon's School Direct programme you will need the following:


  • GCSE or equivalent in mathematics, English and Science (Grade C or above);
  • A honours degree awarded by a UK university, 2:2 or above;
  • School based experience at primary level.

A declaration regarding any criminal convictions and clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) must be completed to ensure suitability for working with children and young people.

Scholarship and Bursaries Available

The cost of the PGCE training programme is £9250 per year and finance can be arranged through the Students Loan Company (SLC) www.slc.co.uk


What qualities are Horizon looking for?

Horizon will be  looking for a wide range of qualities which would make you a great teacher. Here are some of them:

  • Passion– show you care about teaching.
  • Confident with and respectful towards children.
  • Professionalism– in both your mindset and the way you conduct yourself.
  • Personality– this can easily be reflected in how you present yourself, so dress smartly!
  • Energy– enthusiasm is infectious!
  • Resilience– being a teacher can be tough, so you’ll need to show you’re up to the task.
  • Understanding of the commitments for teaching– even the most prepared interviewees can be nervous about some things. It’ll be ok as long as you demonstrate how you can overcome these in order to succeed.


What skills are Horizon looking for?

At your interview, we will be looking for evidence of relevant skills a teacher must possess, including:

  • good reflective abilities
  • ability to scale information to present to a range of audiences
  • literacy and numeracy– being articulate and using standard English
  • subject knowledge across a range of primary subjects within both key stages

More information on training with Horizon can be found on our website:
